cwo, c.w.o. 뜻
국어 번역
- phrase, chief warrant officer
- c.w.o., c.w.o. phrase, cash with order 현금 지불 주문
- wild west c.o.w.-boys of moo mesa 보안관 삼총사
- c and (&) w phrase, country-and-western
- w.c. 화장실 化粧室
- c.o., c/o phrase, care of ...전교, carried over
- c.o.s., c.o.s. phrase, cash on shipment 선적불, 적하(현금)불
- n.c.c.w. phrase, National Council of Catholic Women
- e, w, o, phrase, Essential Work Order
- i.o.w. phrase, Isle of Wight
- c.o. Cash Order, Colonial Office, Commanding Officer, conscientious objector
- c.s.o. phrase, Chief Signal Officer
- arsenal w.f.c. 아스널 WFC 아스널 WFC
- cw, c.w. phrase, chemical warfare
- cws, c.w.s. phrase, Chemical Warfare Service 화학전 부대, Cooperative Wolesale Soci ety
- f.c.w.a. phrase, Fellow of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants